The fastest, most cost-effective treatment for your septic tank or boat / RV holding tanks
Noflex Digestor cleans and eliminates sewage smells without toxic chemicals, 100% guaranteed
Odours of sewage around your septic tank?
Smelly holding tanks?
Strong smells in toilets and bilges?
Blocked outlets or sensors?
NoflexYou’ve just found the solution! Here’s how it works:
1) When Noflex granules are added to your tank they sink to the bottom where they react with the sludge, releasing bubbles of oxygen.
2) This disperses the sludge and releases proteins that are a source of food for the live ‘good’ bacteria in your tank.
3) These bacteria then eat the odour-causing sludge particles and you’re left with an odour free tank!
Noflex Digestor is:
Fast – you’ll notice the difference within hours
Safe – it works by getting the good bacteria to eat the bad bacteria; the main by-product is sodium carbonate (washing soda)
Proven – it’s been used in commercial applications for years and is now available for home, RV and boat use in Australia
Cost Effective and keeps you’re holding tanks clean & odour-free
Please contact us today to order 0408 248 897